To tell my story I have to go back to the beginning. Well at least to my wedding day, which was also my birthday (it helped my spouse to keep tract of anniversaries and birthdays. I however did expect a separate gift for each occasion). The day of our nuptials was the first time I met my spouse. You see, our's was an arranged affair but don't feel sorry for me, as it turns out divine providence had a huge hand in bringing us together. My intended was a little uncertain though; he had to be knocked out before I came.
As the days passed I discovered he was the only man in the world for me, we were practically made for each other. We both went to our wedding bed pure, never having known anyone else. We had the same interests; we loved camping, animals and living simply. He was a game warden so we got to live out in, and with nature, in a home that came with the job.Young and healthy we had the whole world at our disposal. He let me choose anyplace on the globe to set up house, game wardens were in big demand. Where to live when you have the whole earth to choose from?
I learned to cook after we were married. I used all natural ingredients we grew ourselves. We only drank water and wines from grapes we harvested ourselves. We used no preservatives in our food and were complete vegetarians. How could we eat meat that we helped to raise and named?We had a simple budget. We didn't need many clothes, we never got dressed up, who would we impress, the peacocks? The zebras? The giraffes? Speaking of clothes, he didn't wear the pants in our family, neither did I, ours was an equal partnership.
We tried to help each other, not lord it over each other. We had no bills, our water flowed from the land, we grew our own food and recycled our waste. We lived without electricity or phones, who would we call, as newlyweds we wanted to be alone and alone is how we found ourselves, and enjoying every bit of it.Our home was airy, surrounded by tropical plants and cascading waterfalls, colorful flowers and animals that acted like they owned the place because they were there first. It was paradise on earth! My husband, the warden, went to work every morning like clock work, never missed a day except on our appointed day of rest. He worked six days a week and reserved the last day completely for God.He had a great boss that he talked to about everything. He got much of his advice from him as a matter of fact. Being young like we were, his boss seemed ancient and lonely, not having a wife of his own. We were like family to him and he was welcome at our place anytime he wanted to drop in. He certainly always joined us every seventh day for rest and worship.
We were both only children so we planned on a enormous family, we had room to grow. We wanted a dozen boys and a dozen girls. They would be home schooled and learn to be as independent as their parents were, living off the land. It would be hard to find partners for them to marry, as isolated as we were, but that was a problem far down the road.
Now is the hard part. With all this perfection, with everything coming easy for me, I still had time to err. I mean some people make mistakes but I really screwed up. What I did affected the whole world. I know everyone feels like their mistakes are the worst, but my mistake harmed all my unborn kids, can you beat that? No mother wants to be the cause of her kid's pain, do you think I'm any different? I set a serious of events in motion that will ripple down to the end of time. I want to blame my husband, (he did have a part in it) but mostly it was my own doing. I unraveled our lives, caused my husband to loose his job, which in turn got us evicted from the home which came with the job.
To add insult to injury we were even issued a set of clothes similar to criminals when they are released from jail! I should never have been left alone. I was too naive and too young to know about the evil that lurked about. I was too young to know what evil was! I'd never been exposed to wickedness; my life had been sheltered from conception. I hadn't been taught to not talk to strangers; after all, I knew everyone in my life. Maybe if my husband had been by my side nothing would have come of it, but he wasn't there for me or with me. I now know not everyone can be trusted.
I still hate to talk about this but here's what happened--I had to much idle time, so far it was still just me and my husband, no kids yet, so I decided to go for a nature walk. It was a picture perfect afternoon, the temperature was just right, the foliage was green, breezes were blowing my hair, birds were serenading me and animals were foraging for food when I heard a voice hiss at me from up in a tree, "Hey, little girl, do you want something to eat................." The rest, as they say, is history.
signed, Eve.
Genesis Chapter 3