Guardians, INC. (last sent)
We were in the debriefing room getting our assignments. There were too
many of us to count but six of us would be receiving individual instructions.
Twelve more would be getting another set of orders. This job was coming close
on the heels of several other similar bittersweet incidents. It would be a
rough night for a lot of people. Parents can't be everywhere, so we're on call
for them twenty-four/ seven. We're Guardians, Incorporated. We've been
specially selected to care for the young and we have excellent references. Our
training is without reproach, our instructor has been in the people business
for...let's just say a long time. No one really knows for sure how long.
We watched our surveillance camera as it tracked Man on his exploits.
He had several malevolents trailing him that he was unaware of but dictated his
every move. They were hideous looking outcasts, from our kingdom. Man had
allowed them to enter into his life to torture him endlessly, it had been his
choice. Several of our group were attempting to make contact with Man but he
had us totally tuned out. They were sitting on his shoulder, yelling in his
ear, trying to dissuade him, unsuccessfully. He was too far-gone to the wrong
side. We couldn't interfere with free will. It was out of our hands.
Man entered a building and crept down the hallway, looking one way then
the other. He was looking for a full room. He didn't want to waste his time
doing an insignificant job. Finally. He busted in a door and unsuspecting faces
turned to alarm when they realized their predicament. Screaming. There was lots
of screaming and chaos. Chairs and desks toppled over. A window broke as
someone attempted to escape. This was our cue to rush in behind him. He raised
his weapon and started firing. Bodies fell and blood flowed. The scene was
awful. We were able to miraculously deflect a few bullets, push a few heads
lower than the missiles, and encourage a few to play dead. The Boss was in
charge of who lived and died. His ways were unquestionable. This physical scene
was nothing compared to what was about to go down!
Then Man turned the weapon on himself and we didn't attempt to
intercede here. As he hit the floor those that had been his pseudo-friends
broke out in raucous laughter. Man had successfully played the role they
created for him and was no longer useful to them.
He slowly rose from were he fell, disembodied. Not peacefully but
writhing in agony. No pity was offered him as one of my team members secured a
chain to his ankle attached to a heavy weight and transported him to the
nearest ocean. He was unceremoniously dumped into the midst of the water. He
sunk, rather quickly, to the ocean's bottom where he joined others of his ilk.
They were treacherous destroyers of youth and innocence. Man spewed forth profanities
and curse's all the way down. His voice was buried amid all the wailing of the
other miserable souls. They would stay here till that "Day" dawned.
On that day, they'd go from the ocean to the fire. Their fate was sealed. Our
leader had no sympathy for this type of evil and he had strict orders for
eliminating trash of this kind. As good-hearted as my friends and I were this
punishment gave us the greatest of delight. We have zero tolerance for sin. We
had tried our darnedest to dissuade Man before things reached this magnitude.
His wicked cohorts prevented us from reaching through to him. We felt no
self-reproach. You either listen to us or not. It is your choice. We're simply
messengers of the Greatest.
The small torsos lying on the floor began to shed their spirits, that
sat up and looked about, confused but at peace. They patted their chests and
felt no pain, much to their surprise. My friends and I went rapidly to their
"Shh, it's alright. We're here for you." We announced as we
reached for their petite hands. One little body wasn't totally motionless, his
chest heaving slowly, up and down. His guardian laid her hand gently on his
forehead. His tense little body relaxed. He wouldn't be ready to follow his
friends soon but she made sure he'd feel no pain. They would join us shortly.
Several other little bodies writhed in agony. They would mend eventually. Their
angels would stay by their sides as long as they were needed.
Slowly, those of us with young souls to care for began to rise, guiding
our charges upward. We went through the roof and towards their homes. We wafted
by mothers hanging up clothes, and fathers sitting in offices. They had no idea
how their lives had been changed. We allowed the parents a brief glimpse of
their children. We allowed a reflection in the window, or an image in the
clouds. A brief insight into their children's eternal fate, before the news
reached them about the horror that had just been committed on their families.
Several of our numbers stayed behind with the parents. It was their task to
provide comfort and support in the bereavement process that was about to begin.
The higher into the heavens we rose, the smaller our team became as we were
dispatched to where we would be the most beneficial. To the house of a
grandmother, stepfather, neighbor, school friend. Wherever we heard an
agonizing cry, or felt a heart break.
We proceeded on past several planets and galaxies. We left the sight of
the big bang millions of miles behind us. In seconds, earth's time, we were
home with our new inhabitants. We were far from the prying eyes of the
mightiest telescope. We entered the conference room surrounded by cheers. The
young spirits were excited and joyous of all the attention. No separation
anxiety, no fears, just pure bliss. But the conference room wasn't our final
destination. We kept traveling onward to the throne room; it was here our
dependents would stay. They would stay at the feet of Jesus Christ, Lord and
Savior, till they could be reunited with their families. Actually, family was
already present since all genes were shared, down to Adam and Eve. Jesus never
refused children from his presence on earth, so he would surely keep them safe
in this royal haven. Never would they know a moment without love and joy though
they'll be there ten thousand years and counting.
2 Corin. 4:16-18