It happened so suddenly no one had time to prepare for it. I know that was true for me. I was watching the coverage on T.V. News reports about the weather. Lightening everywhere, it was being built as the worst storm in global history. Then to add insult to injury the earth itself started to rebel; earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and fires sprang up in the most isolated areas. No place was safe; mountains were collapsing, huge ocean waves cascaded down on villages, lava flowed through metropolises with people running vainly ahead of red steaming goo. The cameras caught the expression on a few hapless faces as the hot molten rock reached them, scorched their bodies and finally absorbed them. Then the local coverage’s went dead as the photographers and their equipment fell to the same fate never to realize their Pulitzer Prize for journalism. The reporters showed people running into the hills looking for safety only to be buried alive under heaps of earth that cascaded down on top of them. Limbs protruded from the dirt grasping for a lifeline for seconds before they succumbed to their doom, their lungs crushed. Then the incredible. One news correspondent aimed his camera upward, at the lightening. Something was happening in outer space; it looked like an army was descending on us! No spacecraft, just mounted warriors! The camera fell to the ground and you could see feet retreating into the distance.
My T.V went dead. Like everything around it. The electric lines must have gone down. Or the broadcasting station was now wiped out. I was left with only my inferences to ponder the events as they unfolded. I did not have to imagine for long. I ran out of the house into the electrical storm when I heard all the commotion, armed forces were riding down the streets gathering survivors, (or prisoners?) in colossal nets. They weren’t local military, their uniforms were non-conventional white robes, were they from the middle east? They sat atop elegant white steeds who galloped breathlessly. Horses had not been used in centuries, not since the invention of ozone destroying gas-guzzlers. Horses were definitely practically at this moment however as the streets had become impassable by even army tanks: rubble from buildings, overturned vehicles, and trees of every kind blocked all the thorough fares. Blocked? I’m not sure that is the best word. There was no hint of a civilized route through the wreckage.
Though I had been frantically packing supplies to bring to an emergency shelter I had run from the house with nothing. Nothing except the money I had stuffed into my pockets; money and all my gold jewelry. The warning sirens that had been blaring had gone silent . Evidently the emergency alarm system had been disarmed. I didn’t get far before I was whisked into the net with people I knew, and people I‘d never met before. Then I heard it, the collapse of my home as it sunk into a sinkhole, followed by my neighbors’ houses. Looking over my shoulders, I saw my life’s hard work crumble to the ground. Nothing would be salvageable. Looters would be disappointed.
Soon, I truly realized how out of town this army was. The horses, riders and captives all climbed into the air. No wings, no propellers; just horses galloping upwards. We ascended on an undetectable path straight up. I clung to the netting for dear live. I’ve always been afraid of heights.
This was an invading nation. They must have come for prisoners, slaves. I never believed in extra terrestrial life before, it doesn’t take much to make a believer out of me: just a ride into space. I began to worry about oxygen depletion, boy would that disappoint our captors if we started dropping like flies from anoxia, they probably hadn't counted on our frail lungs not working in the higher atmospheres. How I was able to keep breathing was beyond me.
The aliens brought all their captives to what appeared to be a transportation station, deposited us and went in search of more humans. There was a court up front where men and women were ushered individually, I didn't notice any kids younger than teenagers. All were cast before some authoritative looking men, one at a time. The central man kept pointing to a young fellow on his right then a person on the left would inspect some gigantic tome. Apparently we were being sorted out for labor on this distant planet. They must not be very fussy. I didn't notice any consistency on who went to the left or right. Those however who went to the left seemed less keen than those that went the opposite direction. Those going right seemed grateful. Relieved. Satisfied. Radiant?
Craning my neck to see further to the right I saw a caravan of trains so golden the light flicking off them sparkled like flames. The trains on the left were baked black, rusty and miserable appearing. Rejects from the civil war?
People around me were crying, shivering in fear, and praying. Even the atheists : especially the atheists. Notice how in a real crisis even atheists start to call on God? Some how they were coming to believe in a higher source. The unbelievable has happened. Life from outer space had abducted us. The world as we knew it was finished. The earths military had combined in unison and it had been like throwing water balloons at whales. We had been vulnerable. Defeated. In fact, there were numerous uniformed men and women waiting their turns to be brought to the forefront.
The crowd was thinning remarkable quickly , like weeds being yanked from a garden, as one by one, individually and alone, we were escorted to the tribunal. Thousands of us. An innumerable group. Yet time seemed to stop, or at least my watch had. Time had no meaning as we waited our fates. I watched as men were dragged screaming to the left and some walked proudly to the right. Thin beggarly types, well built macho types, males and females. Teenagers on up to centurions.
It wasn't long before my name was called. How did they know my name? I walked timidly to my captors. The gentleman in the center , most elaborate chair, asked me one question, "What have you done with my son?" and pointed to the youth at his right who was sitting at a desk that identified him as Mr. J. Christ.
He looked familiar from posters and flyers that had been stuffed in my mailbox over the years. "Nothing sir, but I know he was a great man, a wonderful healer and prophet, he has had my highest respect."
"But did you know him personally?"
"No sir, I didn't have the time to meet him, I was busy with charity organizations and raising kids, then my parents."
The man behind the other desk, Mr. H. Ghost, spoke up. "Her name isn't in the book sir."
Mr J. Christ responded, "I never was invited into her home though I knocked frequently."
A hand raised an pointed me to the left. " Go! It would have been better for you if you'd included my son in your plans."
"Wait a minute.Lets talk, I'm more than willing to get to know him better!"
The main figure kept his finger pointing left. Obviously discussion was over, no plea bargaining allowed. Maybe bribery will work.
"Wait, I have money!” I cried, “I can get more!” Please believe my bluff! I pulled green bills and gold rings out of my pockets and tossed them at the feet of those present. Mr. J. Christ looked sadly at me, piercing my soul in two with his wounded eyes, and then turned his back. Wow, he’d received a good whipping from some one! He wasn’t going to accept my money or offer any more help!
I was drug to a prison train with the other cast offs , all trying to reach out through heavy bars. Smudged faces looked out with complete despair. A fatalistic expression was painted on every one present as the trackless train started to roll, taking us to our final home. The engineer was as heinous as his delighted laughter, it was diabolical. We were his prisoners now! Our transportation headed through the stars. Further and further away from any chance of escape. A colossal black hole came into view up ahead at the farthest edge of the galaxies, sucking everything that approached into it’s interior. I could feel our train being pulled in and then start to dissolve under immense heat scattering our bodies about into the darkness. There went our chance to ride out! I heard anguished weeping and screaming but saw nothing despite the unbearable flames surrounding my body. More trains carrying newcomers joined us for hours.
Sweat poured from my every pore and intense light beat against eyelids that I opened cautiously, one at a time. Loud screeching was assaulting my ears and I was inhaling the smell of burning flesh. The hot July sun beat down on me as I slowly woke up in the net hammock I found my hands and feet hopelessly tangled up in (I must have had a very restless nap). I can now personally denounce any rumors about the July sun being hotter 'n hell. The neighbors were fanning the smoke of their burnt burgers and steaks my way as they attempted to extinguish the fire while their teenagers’ obnoxious rap music was blaring music Satan would be proud of from their garage. I shook my head, gratefully. I had been having the worst nightmare of my life!!!
Some annoying buzzing was coming from the front of my home, which I was glad to see wasn't at the bottom of a a sink hole. Running through the house I peeked out the front window in time to see the local religion pushers retreating down the driveway, bibles in hand, they had left their usual bible tract on my door. They wheeled about in absolute surprise when I yanked the door open and invited them in to share their testimonies. This had never happened to them before at this stop, they've only seen me peeking out behind closed curtains! For some reason I felt very receptive to the gospel message today!
Math 7:21-23
Math 24
Mark 8:38
Acts 4:12
Rom. 10:14-21
2 Cor. 5:10
Heb. 9:27-28
2 Pet. 2:9
Rev 20:11-15
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