I stamped one more admission and looked at the line in front of me. The end was no where in sight. They were still coming through the river in masses. Wet. Broken. Battle scarred. Some with missing body parts. Some were carrying those that couldn’t walk. Some came as families, some as couples. Most came alone. This journey is most often made solitarily. Some were old, some young, some middle aged; well, it’s hard on this side of the river to determine what middle age really is. Despite their apparent hardships they were all smiling. No, some appeared stunned. They didn’t believe that they’d make it. Something must have happened close to the finish line that pushed them over the edge, much to their relieve. No one had luggage. They all came empty handed as there was no way to pack for this trip, but they had sent their valuables ahead of them.
Every once in a while some one would stare at me real intently. I would smile, shake their and say, “Yes, that was me, we’ve met before,” I’ve made many earthly missions in my day. Made announcements, waged battles against old friends turned rebels, entered dreams, whispered in ears, you name it, I‘ve done. Obviously I’ve left impressions.
I looked over my shoulder at the construction going on. This was still going to take some time. All these people needed places to live. I’m sure the boss knows what he’s doing. No one has been turned down yet. I’m sure no one will be. The builders, wearing “Habitat for Humanity” shirts, were swinging hammers and pounding nails at a steady rate, never tiring. Grace-full houses were springing up every day and every day new citizens were presented with their own, complete with free staff. Homes were finished on time, there were no delays getting people settled. There was absolutely no waiting.
As each person presented themselves to me and was admitted I sent them in one direction or the other, depending on their needs. If they were broken and incomplete they went to the restoration building first. Here they were fitted with whatever was missing, arms, legs, ect, by skilled personnel trained by the first physician to ever obtain a license. They exited the building complete, scar less, whole. Some came out walking for the first time in ….forever, into forever. Some had their arms around a spouse, or child for the first time in ages. All were the correct body weight now. All fluff had been trimmed off by the master Weight Watcher. All wrinkles had been erased, without Botox, (Sorry, doctors!) Oh, and sorry Clairol and L’Oreal, hair color was permanent now; you too, are out of business!
Then they were sent to the showers. Here they were …showered, what else are showers for? Employees assisted them, a luxury many of the arrivals didn’t have in the lands they had been visiting. They were pampered and offered clean robes and sandals, their old clothes burned. No one suffered post traumatic stress syndrome here from the sight of community showers and burning clothes. All that was left in the past, forgotten as it should be. No, in a perfect world it would never have happened. I can thank my old friend, Lucifer, for that!
After that they were allotted a piece of land with an impressive structure sitting on it. I would never get used to the look of utter surprise. No one coming here ever expected what they received. There was always a refusal to accept the home, followed by claims of unworthiness. They just needed something simple, please offer this house to some one more deserving, they would beg. Humbleness. They could shed that attitude now, since they were wearing various crowns of victory. Besides, all the houses were created equal. There was nothing less "impressive". Get over it. Get used to it. Say, “Thank you,” like your parents taught you.
The children, located in the nursery under the throne room, were identified immediately and reunited with their parents and siblings, by the boss himself. He made it his mission to greet everyone the minute they arrived since he had no choice anyway, he was the first person everyone wanted to meet, to express their gratitude and devotion to. He never tired and never slept. What an amazing man.
New comers, after all the initial procedures and period of adjustments, went about the city with address books in their hands looking up friends, extended family and people they had only read about. Spontaneous parties sprang up regularly. Woodstock? It was a small affair compared to these parties. The guests here were all high; yea, definitely higher than a kite.
The line in front of me suddenly did something I’ve not seen in….well, I’ve never seen this happen. The current of people was reduced, becoming a trickle. I could see the finish line. The builders were ordered to wrap it up; no more houses were needed! This was not a good sign. No sir-ee! I didn’t like the feel of this one little bit. The ensuing stillness created by the unexpectedly hammerless workforce was eerie. Quietness fell everywhere. People gathered in the central park and looked about, then bowed their heads in prayer. I felt something akin to dread. At least that is the only definition I can use, never having experienced this sensation before. This was too ominous for me, with all my years of experience. We’ve all heard about this day,(we'd hoped it was just a rumor,) we were never informed when it would come. Apparently it’s here now. The last soul has been saved, and I'm the one that signed her in. The world is now ready (or not!) for….Armageddon. The word itself sent shivers up my spine. It was the Grand Finale. We here have a heart, so we’re not looking forward to our last earthy mission, to toss the unbelievers and old friends into the lake of fire!
In the background, at the stables, I could see thousands of regal white stallions being led out, stomping the ground and snorting, tossing their regal manes in the air. The Boss was mounted on the lead steed, wearing a vest that proclaimed him King of King’s. His sword was drawn and ready for action while he waited for the host behind him to get prepared. Well like it or not, it’s time to go put an end to time.
Mat 24:36
John 14:1-4
1 Cor. 3:15
Phil. 3:20-21
2 Thes. 1:8
Heb 12:12-13
Heb. 12:22-24
Heb. 13:1,14
Rev 8:1-5
Rev. 20:15
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